
Intuitive development is something that I didn’t even know existed until a few years ago. But after opening up with intuitive gifts and learning as much as I could on my own, I can say with certainty that having a mentor along the way has been a total game-changer. It is great that there are so many resources online and books out there to aid in intuitive development, but it’s a different experience entirely to actually connect with someone who is able to offer validation and help in this arena, because let’s be real, intuitive work can be difficult! 

In working with Becky I have learned so many new techniques and strategies that I never would have learned on my own that have sharpened my skills and have given me the motivation to more deeply help others. I have learned that intuitive development goes so much deeper than just meditations and chakra colors. It’s also about discernment, learning about energy, understanding your own soul’s journey, working with a spiritual team, and embarking on a new wave of personal growth. 

In the same way that it’s important to have good teachers in a traditional academic setting, I believe that it’s just as critical to have the right teachers in an intuitive development setting. We all hold personal responsibility when we share our skills with the world, and I believe that in order to do the best we can, we owe it to ourselves to seek out the right teachers and mentors for us. 

I would highly recommend an intuitive mentorship with Becky, she’s amazing at what she does and has an incredible level of skill and expertise. With wit and humor, she’s able to break down complex concepts so they’re more easily understood. She is also able to tap into a persons’ unique skill set in order to implement the methods that will best help them. In working with her, I have become much more open to new possibilities in life and have also learned a lot more about myself along the way. I would highly recommend the Heyoka Life Mentorship Program for anyone else looking for the same.

– Jess (Birmingham, AL)